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Trade FX Online

Seize opportunities from over 55 currency pairs spanning majors, crosses, and exotics with up to 500:1 leverage.

What is FX Trading?

Foreign exchange trading is the process of buying or selling one country’s currency to that of another. Currencies are traded in pairs, for example, EUR/USD. This currency pair indicates how many US dollars are needed to buy one euro. The value of each currency changes daily, and traders can profit from these movements in price.

Why Trade FX?

Traders look for the best likelihood of profit when choosing which market to trade. The reason why X is the largest market in the world is that it allows everyone from central banks to individual investors to see profits from currency fluctuations related to the global economy.  

The FX market never sleeps, so you can hustle round the clock. Wherever you are, as long as there’s a market open somewhere in the world, you can place deals. 

This potentially profitable market’s many advantages include low transaction costs, high liquidity, and adaptability to new trading technologies. 

Deep Liquidity
The FX market is the world’s largest, most liquid financial market in the world where over $6 trillion is traded every day.  
Low Transaction Costs
The retail transaction cost (the bid/ask spread) is typically less than 0.1% under normal market conditions.
Trade With Leverage
Leverage gives traders the ability to make nice profits, and at the same time keep risk capital to a minimum.

What Moves the FX Market?

Supply & Demand
Fundamentally, currency prices move up or down based on supply and demand. Traders choose to put their money into an economy that is showing positive signs of growth. If demand for a currency goes up and supply remains steady prices tend to increase.
Economic Data
A country’s economic performance and strength have a huge influence on the value of its currency. Employment levels, retail sales, and manufacturing indexes all provide valuable insight into the current and predicted strength of an economy and its currency.
Central Banks
One of the key movers of the FX market is rate decisions made by Central Banks. The basic interest rate set out in the monetary policy dictates the interest for lending money between the institutions, consequently controlling the economy’s money flow.

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